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                          HANDICAP #4


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From the Tee



Hole #14

   The 339 yard, 14th hole is a relatively short par 4 but still requires a very good drive to take the direct approach to the green over the water hazard. An errant drive to the right will place you either on the earth mounds or possibly behind one of the various trees scattered throughout the right side. The entire left side is protected by bush, trees and out of bounds markers.

     The green is a fairly large, receptive green but is elevated and sloped towards the front of the green. It is protected by deep rough and a sand bunker to the left.

        The normal wind direction on this hole, most days, would be into your face making it even tougher to carry the water hazard. The best shot here is just to the right of the water hazard as this shot will normally carry through the fairway to the right side, leaving a short wedge shot into the green.    

  Blue Tees:   339 yards
White Tees:   320 yards
   Red Tees:   308 yards


From 150 Yard Out


At the Green